This blog's primary purpose will be to inform you of the special events we have planned in our community.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 1-1-11

2010 has flown by much too quickly, but we are looking forward to 2011.  Looking forward to more stitching and making good on those New Year's Resolutions and most importantly our guest speakings in May.

If you haven't had a chance to check out Barbara Brackman's new civil war blog, then hurry over.  She has a great year planned for anyone who wants to follow along.  What a wonderful idea to celebrate the 150 year anniversary of the start of the Civil War.  I will be joining her in this block-a-week fun. 

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Jill, the blog looks great! Thank you for doing this.


ps It is really easy to type blob instead of blog.